Class ShopWebinfo


This Class represents a dataobject for various information about the solution

Variable Summary
string $Address
string $BankInfo
string $City
string $Company
string $Country
string $Cvr
string $Email
string $EmailDummy
string $Fax
string $LanguageISO
string $Mobile
string $Phone
string $SolutionId
string $Title
string $Zip
string $Address

The address of the webshop

string $BankInfo

The bank information of the webshop

string $City

The city of the webshop

string $Company

The Company of the webshop

string $ContactPerson

The contactperson of the webshop

string $Country

The country of the webshop

string $Cvr

The cvr of the webshop

string $Email

The email of the webshop

string $EmailDummy

The email dummy email address for emails sent from the webshop

string $Fax

The fax number of the webshop

string $LanguageISO

The language Language ISO code of the webshop Title for the active language (Solution_SetLanguage)

string $Mobile

The mobile number of the webshop

string $Phone

The phone number of the webshop

bool $ProductPricesWithVat

Wether or not the prices of the Products has vat included

bool $ShowProductPricesWithVat

Wether or not to display prices of the Products with vat included in the shop

string $SolutionId

The ID of the webshop

string $Title

The title of the webshop

string $Zip

The zil of the webshop

Documentation generated on Thu, 26 Jul 2018 13:22:50 +0000 by phpDocumentor 1.4.4